Posted on Mar 18, 2019
Prof. Livija Cveticanin was active in education at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at the University of Novi Sad. She gave lectures in Staics and Kinematics at the undergraduate studies for students of Mechanical Engineering. Prof. Cveticanin was the head of the Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences at the Obuda university in Budapest, Hungary. She is the supervisor of two PhD students.
In 2018 she published a chapter in an international monograph and 12 papers in international journals in SCI list. She gave one Plenary Lecture and 11 lectures at international and domestic conferences. Citation index of her publication is 2350 according to Google Schoolar.
She reviewed a numerous number of manuscripts for the famous journals. She is the Editor of 2 international journals. She is included into 3 projects financially supported by the Ministry of science of the Republic Serbia and 2 international projects supported by European Union. Prof. Cveticanin was on 3 ’mobility’ Erasmus and Ceepus programms.
Since 1st October 2018 she is the head of the Department of Technical Mechanics and Design in Technics at the Faculty of Technical Sciences.
In 2018 she is elected to the member of the Scientific Society of Serbia.
This year she got the Gold plaque for the Life Work from the Society of University professors and investigators of Vojvodina.
Author of the Chapter in a Monograph:
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Acoustic Metamaterials: Theory and Application, Chapter 3, in Acoustics and Vibrations of Mechanichal Structures – AVMS-2017, Eds. N. Herisanu and V. Marinca, Springer, 2018, 21-33.
Journal Papers:
- I. Pakar, M. Bayat, L. Cveticanin, Nonlinear Vibration of Unsymmetrical Laminated Composite Beam on Elastic Foundation, Steel and Composite Structures, 26(4), 453-461, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, D. Cveticanin, Oscillator with variable mass excited with non-ideal source, Nonlinear Dynamics, 92(2), 673-682, 2018.
- H. A. Navarro, L. Cveticanin, Extension of the Hamiltonian approach with general initial conditions, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (PTMT), 56(1), 255-267, 2018.
- D. Krcmar, N. Varga, M. Prica, L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, B. Dalmacija, Z. Corba, Application of hexagonal two dimensional electrokinetic system on the nickel contaminated sediment and modelling the transport behavior of nickel during electrokinetic treatment, Separation and Purification Technology, 192, 253-261, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, I. Biro, J. Sarosi, Mathematical investigation of the stability condition and steady state position of a pneumatic artificial muscle-mass system, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 125, 196-206, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, D. Cveticanin, Influence of nonlinear subunits on the resonance frequency band gaps of acoustic metamaterial, Nonlinear Dynamics, 93(3), 1341-1354, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, U. Kozmidis, Gy. Mester, Periodic motion in an excited and damped cubic nonlinear oscillator, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, vol. 2018. Article ID 3841926, 6 pages, 2018.
- J.M. Balthazar, P.B. Goncalves, G. Litak, A.M. Tusset, L. Cveticanin, Dynamics, control, and modeling of fractional-order systems, Editorial, Shock and Vibration, Vol.2018, Article ID 6971490, 2 pages,, 2018.
- L.Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, D. Cveticanin, On the elastic metamaterial with negative effective mass, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 436, 295-309 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, I. Biro, J. Sarosi, Gy. Mester, Control of energy dissipation in a strong nonlinear, damped and periodically excited system, Chemical Engineering Transactions CET, 70, 2173-2178, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Cleaning methods of heat surfaces in biomass-fired boilers: A review, World Journals of Engineering Research and Technology, WJERT, 4(5), 215-235, 2018.
- I. Biro, L. Cveticanin, P. Szuchy P., Numerical method to determine the elastic curve of beams of variable cross-section, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal, 68(6), 2018.
Plenary Lectures:
- L. Cveticanin, Overview on vibration energy harvesting systems, 26th Int.Conf. Noise & Vibration, 6-7 December 2018, Nis, Proceedings 9-13, 2018.
Conference papers:
- L. Cveticanin, Z. Rakaric, M. Zukovic, Vibration absorber of seismic actions in buildings, 6th Int. Conf. Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, Proceedings, 20th April 2018, Subotica, pp. 125-131, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, Elastic metamaterials with mas-in-mas oscillatory units, World Congress on Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, WCMM, Dubai UAE, 16-17 April, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, Periodically forced and damped truly nonlinear two-degrees-of-freedom oscillator, IUTAM Symp. ENOLIDES, 15-19 July, 2018, Novi Sad, pp.59-60, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Prica, Dynamics of mass-in-mass unites in elastic metamaterials, 9th International Congress of Croation Society of Mechanics, ICCSM, Split, Croatia, Sept. 18-22, Proceedings, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, Properties of mass-in-mass units of the elastic metamaterial, 13th Int. Sci, Conf. MMA 2018 Flexible Technologies, Novi Sad, 28-29 Sept. 2018. Proc. 301-304, 2018.
- I. Biro, L. Cveticanin, P. Szuchy, Special numerical method to determine the elastic curve of supported beams of variable cross-section, Int. Conf. on Science, Technology, Engineering and Economy ICOSTEE 2018, Oct.25, 2018, Szeged, Hungary, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, A. Vecseri, I. Biro, D. Cveticanin, Procedures for shaft misalignment detection: An overview, Int. Conf. on Science, Technology, Engineering and Economy ICOSTEE 2018, Oct.25 2018, Szeged, Hungary, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, A. Dregelyi-Kiss, R. Horvath, A model for predicting vibration in turning process due to mass variation, 10th Int. Engineering Symposium at Banki IESB 2018, 21 November 2018. Abstract, p. 27, 2018.
- V. Kicinja, L. Cveticanin, Vibrational energetic harvesters: A review, International Scientific Conference – ETIKUM 2018, Novi Sad, 6-8. 12.2018, Proceedings, 2018.
- I. Kovacic, M. Zukovic, L. Cveticanin, Z. Rakaric, Multimedijalna i interaktivna nastava i ucenje inzenjerske mehanike, XXIV Skup Trendovi razvoja: Digitalizacija visokog obrazovanja, Kopaonik, 21-23.2.2018, Zbornik radova, 160-163, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, P. Szuchy, Akusztikus metaanyagok es felhasznalasuk a gepeszmernoki gyakorlatban, Konferencia: III. Gepeszeti szakmakultura, 2018. Feb.1, CD 2018. Szekció 2A, 1-5.oldal, Budapest, ISBN 978-963-9058-40-8, 2018.
Member of Editorial Boards of Journals:
- Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2018.
- Romanian Journal of Mechanics, 2018.
International Projects:
- Erasmus Mobility Program: Technical University of Kaunas, Litvanija, 2018
- CEEPUS Program: University of Szeged, Hungary, 2018
- CEEPUS Program: University of Osijek, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Slavonski Brod, 2018
- EU project: COST DENORMS (Designs for Noise Reducing Materials and Structures) CA15216, 2016-
- EU project: Strengthening Educational Capacities by Building Competences and Cooperation in the Field of Noise and Vibration Engineering, SENVIBE, 2018-
Domestic Projects:
- Metode modeliranje na više skala sa primenama u biomedicini, Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnoliški razvoj Republike Srbije, (No. Proj. OI-174028), 2018
- Primena biomedicinskog inženjeringa u pretkliničkoj i kliničkoj praksi, Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnoliški razvoj Republike Srbije, (No. Proj. IT-41007), 2018
- Mech-In-Mech, Ministarstvo za nauku i tehnoliški razvoj Republike Srbije, 2018
2016 – 2017
In the last two years Prof. Livija Cveticanin was very active in education and research. At the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad, she gave lectures in Mechnics (Statics, Kinematics, Dynamics and Theory of Vibrations) for students of Mechanical Engineering. In 2016 she is elected for the full-time professor at the Obuda University in Budapest, Hungary, and for the Head of the Doctoral School of Safety and Security Sciences. She published the results of scientific research in three monographs and 16 journal papers. She attended 11 conferences in the country and abroad and gave 4 Plenary Lectures. She was the co-editor of 5 journals with high reputation. She is incorporated into two projects, financially supported by the Ministry of Sciences of Serbia, and a few international projects, financially supported by EU. Prof. Cveticanin organized the Brainstroming Workshop for COST CA 15125 action DENORMS in Novi Sad in September 2016.
In 2017, she was elected into Honorary Professor at the University of Szeged, Hungary.
Author/Coauthor of Monographs:
- L. Cveticanin, Dynamics of Bodies with Time-Variable Mass, Springer, 2016.
- L. Cveticanin, Strong Nonlinear Oscillator – Analytical Solutions, Springer, 2018.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, J.M. Balthazar, Dynamics of Mechanical Systems with Non-Ideal Excitation, Springer, 2018.
Journal Papers:
- Biro, I., Cveticanin, L., Procedures for determination of elastic curve of simply and multiple supported beams, Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 60(1), 21-30, 2016.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, Gy. Mester, I. Biro, J. Sarosi, Oscillators with symmetric and asymmetric quadratic nonlinearity, Acta Mechanica, 227(6), 1727-1742, 2016.
- L. Cveticanin, Period of vibration of axially vibrating truly nonlinear rod, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 374, 199-210, 2016.
- Hosovsky, J. Pilet, K. Zidek, M. Thothova, J. Sarosi, L. Cveticanin, Dynamic characterization and simulation of two-link soft robot arm with pneumatic muscles, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 103, 98-116, 2016.
- H.A. Navarro, L. Cveticanin, Amplitude-frequency relationship obtained using Hamiltonian approach for oscillators with sum of non-integer order nonlinearities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 291, 2016, 162-171.
- Kovacic, L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, Z. Rakaric, Jacobi elliptic functions: A review of nonlinear oscillatory application problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration 380, 2016, 1-36.
- L. Cveticanin, Gy. Mester, Theory of Acoustic Metamaterials and Metamaterial Beams: An Overview, Acta Plytechnica Hungarica, accepted for publication, 2016.
- L. Cveticanin, I. Kovacic, Exact solutions for the response of purely nonlinear oscillators: Overview, Journal of the Serbian Society for Computational Mechanics, 10(1), 116-134, 2016
- H. Askari, D. Younesian, E. Esmailzadeh, L. Cveticanin, Nonlocal effect in carbon nanotube resonators: A comprehensive review, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(2) 1-24, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, D. Cveticanin, Two degree-of-freedom oscillator coupled to a non-ideal source, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 94, 125-133, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, Negative effective mass in acoustic metamaterial with nonlinear mass-in-mass subsystems, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 51, 89-104, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, D. Cveticanin, Non-ideal source and energy harvesting, Acta Mechanica, 228(10), 3369-3379, 2017.
- J.M. Balthazar, P.B. Goncalves, A.M. Tusset, G. Litak, L. Cveticanin, Reduced-Order modeling, testing, and control of nonlinear mechanical and structural systems, Shock and Vibration, vol. 2017 (2017), Article ID 9232878, 2 pages, DOI: 10.1155/2017/9232878, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Application of the acoustic metamatrial in engineering: An overview, Romanian Journal of Mechanics, 2(1), 2017, 29-36, ISSN 2537 – 5229, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Acoustic metamaterials: Theory and application, Acoustics and Vibration of Mechanical Structures-AVMS-2017, Springer Proceedings in Physics 198, 21-32, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, On the acoustic metamaterial with negative effective mass, Mathematical and Numerical Aspects of Dynamical System Analysis, ISBN 978-83-935312-6-4, 143-155, 2017.
Plenary Lectures:
Cveticanin, L: Mechanical Models in Biomedical Engineering: Vibration of Vocal Cords, Plenary Lecture, International Conference on Science and Technique Based on Applied and Fundamental Research (ICoSTAF) 2016, Szeged, Hungary, June 2, 2016.
Cveticanin, L.: Állandó és változó tömegű test nemlineáris dinamikája és rezgése, Plenary Lecture, XIII International Engineering Symposium at Banki (ESB), Budapest, Hungary, 17th Nov. 2016.
Cveticanin, L.: Acoustic Metamaterials: Theory and Application, Plenary Lecture, XIV-th International Conference: Acoustics & Vibration of Mechanical Structures, AVMS 2017, Timisoara, Romania, 25-26 May, 2017.
Cveticanin, L.: On the Acoustic Metamaterial with Negative Effective Mass, Plenary Lecture, 14th Int. Conf. DSTA 2017, Dynamical Systems, Theory and Applications, Lodz, Poland, December 11-14, 2017.
Conference Papers:
- Biro, L. Cveticanin, Procedures for determination of elastic curve of simply and multiple supported beams, International Conference on Science and Technique Based on Applied and Fundamental Research (ICoSTAF) 2016, Szeged, Hungary, June 2, 2016.
- L. Cveticanin, I. Biro, J. Sarosi, Analytical investigation of nonlinear vibration of two DOF systems, International Conference on Science and Technique Based on Applied and Fundamental Research (ICoSTAF) 2016, Szeged, Hungary, June 2, 2016.
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Theory of acoustic metamaterials, 4th Int.Sci.Conf. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, ISCAME 2016, Debrecen, Hungary, 13-15 0ct 2016, Proceedings.
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Theory of acoustic metamaterials: An overview, 25th Int.Conf. Noise and Vibration, Tara, 27-29 Oct. 2016, Proceedings.
- L. Cveticanin, I. Kovacic, Prilog izucavanju nelinearne dinamike i oscilacija na Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu u period od 2006-2016, 10 godina Srpskog drustva za racunarsku mehaniku 2006-2016, Kragujevac, 19.9.2016. s.16-17.
- L. Cveticanin, PhD studies at the Doctoral school of safety and security sciences, Obuda University, Hungary, 1st K-FORCE (Knowledge For Resilient Society) Symposium, Novi Sad, September 14th, 2017.
- L. Cveticanin, D. Cveticanin, Theory of ambient vibration energy harvester with piezoelement, SEECCM 2017, 4-th South-East European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 3-5 July 2017, Kragujevac, Serbia, Proceedings
- L. Cveticanin, M. Zlokolica, Razvoj i savremene tendencije u radu grupe za mehaniku masina na Fakultetu tehnickih nauka u Novom Sadu a u svetlu nove tehnologije nastave, XXIII Skup Trendovi razvoja: Polozaj visokog obrazovanja i nauke u Srbiji, Zlatibor, 22-24.2.2017, Zbornik radova, 303-306.
- Cveticanin, L., Negative effective mass in the mass-in-mass subsystem with cubic nonlinearity, DENORMS DA15125 Workshop on Modelling of high performance acoustic structures: porous media, metamaterials and sonic crystals, 24-26 January, 2017.
- Z. Rakaric, L. Cveticanin, M. Zukovic, Preloading in nonlinear oscillator, 9th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC 2017, Budapest, june 25-30, 2017.
- I. Biro, L. Cveticanin, P. Suchy, Numerical method to determine the elastic curve of simply supported beams of variable cross-section, International Engineering Symposium at Banki IESB 2017, Budapest, 27th Nov. 2017.
Member of Editorial Boards of Journals:
- Reduced-Order Models for Nonlinear Analysis, Tests and Control of Mechanical and Structural Systems and Their Application to Engineering, Special issue Shock and Vibration, 2017
- Dynamics, Control, and Modeling of Fractional-Order Systems, Special issue Shock and Vibration, 2017
- Nonlinear phenomena in Complex Systems, Special issue Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2016
- Advances in Mechanical Engineering, SAGE, 2016.
- Romanian Journal of Mechanics, 2017.
International Projects:
- Erasmus Mobility Program: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, 2016
- CEEPUS Program: University of Szeged, Hungary, 2016 and 2017
- CEEPUS Program: Politehnica University of Timisoara, Romania, 2017
- Erasmus Mobility Program: University Polytechnika, Lodz, Poland, 2017
- CEEPUS Program: University of Zhiline, Slovakia, 2017.
- COST CA15125 DENORMS, 2016-