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Arnold Suppan

Arnold Suppan was born in St. Veit/Glan, Kärnten, Austria, on 18. August 1945. He received bachelor degree in history and germanistics at the University of Vienna, Austria in 1966. After that he entered specialist studies in the History of East European countries. He received his PhD from the University of...

akademik Boško Kućanski

Redovni profesor Akademije likovnih umjetnosti Univerziteta u Sarajevu i redovni član ANUBiH.

prof. dr Roman Kaliszan

Redovni profesor Farmaceutskog fakulteta u Gdansku i dopisni član Poljske akademije nauka.

prof. dr Ivan Damjanov

Redovni profesor Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta Kanzas Siti i dopisni član HAZU.