Objavljeno 18. Mar 2019.
2016 i 2017
U toku 2016. i 2017. godine je prof. Folić ispoljio veliku kako nastavnu tako i naučnu aktivnost. Kao profesor emeritus Univerziteta u Novom Sadu učestvovao u nastavnom procesu na doktorskim studijama na Departmanu za gradjevinarstvo Fakulteta tehničkih nauka. Bio je i mentor tri doktorske disertacije od kojih je jedna odbranjena 2016. a dve 2017. godine. Ipak, najviše vremena posvetio je naučno-istraživačkom radu. U toku ove dve godine objavio je jednu monografiju, rad u monografiji kao i 7 radova u domaćim i stranim časopisima. Saopštio rezultate istraživanja na 28 naučnih i stručnih skupova. Kao uvaženi profesor bio je predsednik ili član Naučnog odbora većeg broja simpozijuma u zemlji i inostranstvu i urednik ili član uredjivačkog odbora Zbornika radova. Aktivno je radio na dva projekta koje finansira Minstarstvo za prosvetu, nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije. Pored toga obavio je i tehničku kontrolu konstrukcije za nekoliko objekata od značaja za Republiku Srbiju, koji se grade na teritoriji AP Vojvodine
Objavljena monografija:
- Folić R., Zenunović, D., Spregnute konstrukcije čelik – beton, AGM knjiga, Beograd, 2016, str. 362.
Rad u objavljen u monografiji:
- Folić R., Brujić Z., Ćosić M., Robusnost konstrukcija armiranobetonskih zgrada – sprečavanje progresivnog loma, Savremeni problemi teorije konstrukcija (monografija posvećena prof. dr Đorđu Vuksanoviću), Ed. M.Petronijević i dr., Građevinski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Beograd, 2016, 133-144.
Objavljeni radovi u časopisima:
- Harmathy, N., Magyar, Z., Folić, R., Multi – criterion optimization of building envelope in the function of indoor illumination quality towards overall energy performance improvement, Energy 114, 2016, 302 – 317.
- Stojković, N., Folić, R., Pasternak, H., Mathematical model for the prediction of strength degradation of composites subjected to constant amplitude fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue 103, 2017, 478-487.
- Cumbo, A., Folić, R., Uslojeni konačni elementi u proračunu spregnutih konstrukcija izloženih dugotrajnom djelovanjima (Layered finite elements in the analysis in the analysis of composite structures exposed to long-term effects), Građevinar 69(11), 2017, 1005-1019.
- Ćosić M., Šušić N., Folić R., Bancila R., Probabilistic Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Piles with Variable Parameters in CPT Test and Calculation According to the Requirements of Eurocode 7 (EN 1997-1: 2004), Regulations, Structural Integrity and Life 16(1), 2016, 25-34.
- Ćosić M., Folić R., Folić B., Multidisciplinary Approach to the Assessment of Seismic Performances and Rehabilitation of Bridges: Nonlinear Analyses, Probability Theory and Optimization Theory, Procedia Engineering 156, 2016, 83-90.
- Serdar, N., Folić R., Comparative analysis of modal response for reinforced concrete (RC) straight and curved bridges, Procedia Engineering 156, 2016, 4p.
- Ćosić, M., Folić, R., Brčić, S., An overview of modern seismic analyses with different ways of damping introduction (Pregled savremenih seizmičkih analiza I načina uvođenja prigušenje u njima), Building Materials and Structures (Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije) 60(1), 2017, 3 – 30.
Radovi saopšteni na skupovima i objavljeni u celini:
- Folić, R., Ćosić, M., Performance-Based Non-linear Seismic Methods of Structures: A Review of Scientific Knowledge in the Last 20 Years, The 16th International Scientific Conference VSU, 09-10 June 2016, Sofia, Bulgaria, Proc.: Ed. V. Stoyanov et al., 2016, 146-156.
- Ćosić, M., Folić, R., Šušić, N., Review of Scientific Knowledge and Critical Analysis of Pile Capacity and Integrity Tests, The 9th International Conference on Civil Engineering Design and Construction (Science and Practice), 15-17 September 2016, Varna, Bulgaria, Proc.: Ed. Y. Ivanov et al., 2016, 19 – 30.
- Stanojev, M., Folić, R., Sequence of plastic hinges formation in nonlinear 3d analysis on an RC buildings, The 5th International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, 29-30 June 2016, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, Proc.: Ed. R. Folić, 2016, 327-336.
- Babić, L., Folić, R., Influence of the first story height of reinforced concrete frames on structure behaviour, The 5th International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, 29-30 June 2016, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, Proc.: Ed. R. Folić, 2016, 265-272.
- Petronijević, P., Folić, R., Performance of perforated RC walls, The 5th International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, 29-30 June 2016, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, Proc.: Ed. R. Folić, 2016, 345-352.
- Ćosić M., Brčić S., Folić R., Šušić N., Nonlin Quake: Expert System for Performance-Based Analysis of Structures, The 5th International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, 29-30 June 2016, Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, Proc.: Ed. R. Folić, 2016, 303-316.
- Folić R., Ćosić M., Analysis of Vulnerability of Buildings Damaged as a Result of Terrorist Attack: Scenario of Non-Linear Analyses and Multi-Criteria Optimizations, Structural Faults and Repair, Edinburgh, UK, Proc.: Ed. M. Forde, 2016, 1-16.
- Ćosić M., Šušić N., Folić R., Probabilistic Analysis of Bearing Capacity of Piles with Variable Parameters of CPT Test and Calculation According to the EN 1997-1: 2004, GNP 2016, Civil Engineering – Science and Practice, International Conference, Žabljak, Montenegro, 2016, 1335-1342.
- Folić, R., Stanojev, M., Seismic protection of structures-Application of base isolation in buildings, 4. međunarodna konferencija: Savremena dostignuća u građevinarstvu, Građevinski fakultet, 22 April 2016, Subotica, Zbornik radova, 2016, 41-50.
- Kurtović-Folić, N., Folić, R., Aesthetics of the engineering structures at the beginning of the 21th centery, 3rd International Scientific Meeting E-GTZ 2016, (Ed. A. Ibrahimović I D. Zenunović) Tuzla, 02-04 June 2016, 865-876.
- Zenunović, D., Folić, R., Ibrahimović, A., Mandžić, K., Risk analysis in civil engineering, 3rd International Scientific Meeting E-GTZ 2016 (Ed. A. Ibrahimović I D. Zenunović), Tuzla, 02-04 June 2016, 809-816.
- Memić, M., Folić, R., Ibrahimović, A., Parametric analysis in numerical models of RC anchored diaphragms, 3rd International Scientific Meeting E-GTZ 2016 (Ed. A. Ibrahimović I D. Zenunović), Tuzla, 02-04 June 2016, 455-464.
- Stanojev, M., Folić, R., Changes of influences in structure elements after plastic hinges ormation (S12) Simpozijum Zbornik (Ed. Đ. Lađinović, Z.Marković and B. Stevanović), Društvo građevinskih konstruktra Srbije, Zlatibor, 15-17 September 2016, 254-263.
- Babić, L., Folić, R., The effects of masonry infill on the period of vibration of RC frame structures (S11), Simpozijum, Zbornik (Ed. Đ. Lađinović, Z.Marković and B. Stevanović), Društvo građevinskih konstruktra Srbije, Zlatibor, 15-17 September 2016, 248-253.
- Ćosić M., Folić R., Folić B., Multidisciplinary approach to the assessment of seismic performances and rehabilitation of bridges: nonlinear analysis, probability theory and optimization theory, 9th International Conference “Bridges in Danube Basin 2016”, BDB 2016, 30 September-01 October 2016, Extended Abstracts, 2016, 35-36.
- Serdar, N., Folić R., Comparative analysis of modal response for reinforced concrete (RC) straight and curved bridges, 9th International Conference “Bridges in Danube Basin 2016”, BDB 2016, 30 September-01 October 2016, Extended Abstracts, 2016, 35-36.
- Bjelić, I. Kurtović-Folić, N., Folić, R., Wooden beams built-in vaults and domes of the churches in medieval Serbia from the second half of 12th to mid of 14th century, Bulgarian Academy sciences and Art, International Scientific conference ”Prevention of cultural heritage BASE’2016”, (Ed. N. Tuleshkov, D. Partov&P. Dobrev), 23-25 November 2016, 111 – 122.
- Zenunović, D., Rešitbegović, N., Folić, R., Chloride penetration through concrete cover under pressure of salty water, 1st Int. Conf. Construction Materials for Sustainable Future, CoMS_2017, 19-21 April 2017, Zadar, Croatia, 2017, 407 – 413.
- Čokić, M., Folić, R., Calculation of continuous bridge RC columns according to FEM (FEMA 440), 5th International Conference Contemporary Achievements in Civil Engineering, 21 April, 2017, Subotica; Proc., 2017, 55-63.
- Folić, R., Čokić, M., Columns Analysis of RC Continuous Bridge Using Nonlinear Static (Pushover) Procedure, Proceedings of the XVII International Sceintific Conference VSU’2017, (V.Stoyanov, D.Partov, Eds.), 8-9 June 2017, Sofia, 189-196-11.
- Zenunović, D., Rešitbegović, N., Folić, R., Ocjena stanja betona mjerenjem električne otpornosti, 10. Međunar. Naučno-stručni skup Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements, ACES, Vršac, 14-16 June 2017, 207 – 215.
- Stanojev, M., Folić, R., Reconstruction of masonry chimney “Tigar tyres” in Pirot, Serbia, Tent International Conference Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements, ACES, Vršac, 14-16 June 2017, Proc. Ed. R. Folić, 2017, 235-242.
- Folić, R., Zenunović, D., Rešitbegović, N., Some investigation results for retrofitting of RC building structures, Tent International Conference Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements, ACES, Vršac, 14-16 June 2017, Proc. Ed. R. Folić, 2017, 333 – 344.
- Petronijević, P., Folić, R., Analysis of fracture mechanisms in RC walls, Tent International Conference Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements, ACES, Vršac, 14-16 June 2017, Proc. Ed. R. Folić, 2017, 513 – 534.
- Stanojev, M., Folić, R., Structural behaviour of RC buildings with seismic isolators, !7th International Symposium MASE, Ohrid, 4-7 October 2017, Proc. Ed. M. Cvetkovska, SE 20, 2017, 522 – 531.
- Petronijević, P., Folić, R., Seismic analysis of asymmetrical coupled RC walls, International Symposium on researching and application of contemporary achievements in CE in the field of materials and structures, and XXVII Congress Society for materials and structures testing of Serbia, Vršac, 18-20 October 2017, 267-276.
- Serdar, N., Folić, R., Analysis of skew angle effects on probabilistic seismic demand model based on structure independent members, International Symposium on researching and application of contemporary achievements in CE in the field of materials and structures, and XXVII Congress Society for materials and structures testing of Serbia, Vršac, 18-20 October 2017, 277-284.
- Folić, R., Liolios, A., Application inclined piles in seismic prone area, useful or not? 7th international conference: “Geotehnici in Civil Engineering”, ACE of Serbia, Proc. Ed. R. Folić, Šabac, 14-17 November 2017, 461-472.
Uređivao zbornike radova sa konferencija:
- Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology (Ed. Folic, R.), Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, 29-30 June 2016.
- Deseto međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje: „Ocena stanja, održavanje i sanacija građevinskih objekata i naselja“, Savez građevinskih inženjera i tehničara Srbije, Zbornik Ed. R.Folić, Vršac, 25-29 maj 2017.
- International Symposium on researching and application of contemporary achievements in CE in the field of materials and structures, and XXVII Congress Society for materials and structures testing of Serbia, Proc. Ed. D. Jevtić and R. Folić, Vršac, 18-20 October 2017.
- Sedmo međunarodno naučno-stručno savetovanje: „Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva“, Savez građevinskih inženjera Srbije, Zbornik radova sa naučno-stručnog savetovanja, Proceedings of the IC Geotechnics in Civil Engineering, Proc. Ed. R. Folić, Šabac, 12-17 November 2017.
Radomir Folić, dopisni član – bio je izvestilac i koordinator Tehničke kontrole za Projekte konstrukcija i temeljenja za više građevinskih objekata. Pristupno predavanje pod naslovom I beton ima dušu održao je 27. marta 2014.
Članstvo u naučnim komitetima naučno-stručnih skupova:
- Međunarodna konferencija povodom 50 godina Građevinskog fakulteta u Subotici GFS2014, 24-25. april 2014, Subotica.
- 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology. Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, 19-21. May, 2014, Borsko Jezero (predsednik).
- Konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem Savremena građevinska praksa, 23-24. maj 2014, Andrevlje, (predsednik).
- 9th Intern. Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture VSU “Lj. Karavelov” 2014, 5-6 June 2014, Sofia.
- 15th International Conference Structural Faults and Repair, 9-10 July 2014, London.
- International Conference on Civil Engineering Design and Construction (Science and Practice). Bulgarian Scientific and Technical Union of CE et al. 11-13 September 2014, Varna.
Objavio je radove:
- Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M., Folić, R., Lukić, I. (2014): Assessment and repair of the bearing structure of the Gradiska Cultural Centre after fire. Technical gazzete 21, 2, pp. 435-445, UDC/UDK 69.059.3:[624.].
- Laban, M., Folić, R. (2014): Energy efficiency of industrially made buildings influenced by thermal properties of facades. Thermal Science, Vol.18, No. 2, pp. 615-630. DOI: 10.2298/TSCI120417147L.
- Ćosić, M., Folić, R., Folić, B. (2014): Utjecaj parametara akcelerograma na seizmički odziv konstrukcija. Građevinar, Vol. 66, No. 9, pp. 787-800, DOI: 10.14256/JCE.1082.2014, UDK 624+69(05)=862.
- Ćosić, M., Folić, B., Folić, R., Sedmak, S. (2014): Performance-based seismic analysis of overpass over highway E-75 by Kovilj. Structural integrity and life, Vol. 14, N. 1, pp. 17-28. UDK/UDC 625.745.12:624.042.7.
- Harmati, N., Folić, R., Magyar, Z. (2014): Energy performance modelling and heat recovery unit efficiency assessment of an office building. Thermal Science, DOI: 10.2298/TSCI140311102H
- Ćosić, M., Folić, B., Folić, R. (2014): Numerical simulation of the pile integrity test on defective piles. Acta Geotechnica Slovenica, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 5-19.
Učešće sa referatom na naučnim skupovima:
- Folić, R., Petronijević, P.: Modelling of RC walls under seismic actions. Book of Abstract, p. 58. Full paper on Proc. on CD ROM 241-247. DOI: 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2014, 24-25. april 2014, Subotica.
- Folić, R., Lađinović, Đ., Zenunović, D.: Robustness versus progressive collapse of RC buildings. Book of Abstract, p. 59. Full paper on Proc. on CD ROM pp. 249-258. DOI: 10.14415/konferencijaGFS2014, 24-25. april 2014, Subotica.
- Ristić, D., Brujić, Z. Folić, R. Ristić, J., Bošković, M.: Development and testing of innovative energy dissipation devices of SB.Type-Part 1. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology. Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Editor R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014, pp. 141-150. UDK: 624.21.042.7.
- Ristić, D., Brujić, Z. Folić, R. Ristić, J., Bošković, M.: Development and testing of innovative energy dissipation devices of SB.Type-Part 2. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Editor R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014, pp. 151-160. UDK: 624.21.042.7.
- Ristić, D., Brujić, Z., Folić, R., Ristić, J., Bošković, M., Zlatkov, D., Vučinić, M., Zdravković, S., Zenunović, D., Lako, A.: RESIN: New Research Network of South East Europe for seismic protection of structures by Innovative Technologies- Part 1. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj, 2014, pp. 161-176. UDK: 624.21.042.7.
- Babić, L., Folić, R.: Elastoplastic models for nonlinear dynamic response of RC frames. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014, pp. 187-196. UDK: 624.
- Topalović, M., Zenunović, D., Folić, R.: Seismic response analysis of multy-span concrete girder bridges. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology,, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj, 2014, pp. 203-210. UDK: 624.
- Radujković, A., Lađinović, Đ., Folić, R.: Estimation of ductility demands of frame structures by using pushover analysis. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014, pp. 293-298. UDK: 624.
- Memić, M., Folić, R.: Analiza uticaja dodatnog opterećenja na fleksibilne potporne konstrukcije. Zbornik radova 4. Internacionalne Konferencije Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija, Editor R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014, pp. 353-364. UDK: 624.131.7.
- Folić, B., Ćosić,M., Lađinović, Đ. Folić, R.: Ekvivalentni presek i pojava nelinearnosti kod objekata fundiranih na šipovima, Zbornik radova 4. Internacionalne Konferencije Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i inženjerska seizmologija, Editor R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014, pp. 365-372. UDK: 624.131.5
- Folić, R.: Robustness of Building and Bridge Structures. Plenarno predavanje, 9th Intern. Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture VSU “Lj. Karavelov” 2014, 5-6 June, 2014, Sofia.
- Folić, R., Sadović, E.: Robustness of RC structure under the corrosion ingression. 9th Intern. Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture VSU “Lj. Karavelov” 2014, 5-6, June, 2014, Sofia, Proc. Ed. V. Stoyanov and D. Partov, Vol. 2, pp. 1-10.
- Folić, R., Folić, B., Lađinović, Đ.: Comparative analysis of the methods for determination of piles foundations lateral load capacity. 9th Intern. Conference University of Structural Engineering and Architecture VSU “Lj. Karavelov” 2014, 5-6, June, 2014, Sofia, Proc. Ed. V. Stoyanov and D. Partov, Vol. 2, pp. 11-18.
- Folić, R., Zenunović, D., Liolios, A.: Recommendation for seismic upgrading of damaged RC structures. 15th International Conference Structural Faults and Repair 2014, 9-10 July, 2014, London, Proceedings Ed. M. Forde, paper No. 1353, p. 14.
- Folić, R., Ćosić, M.: Vulnerability of damaged structures: The concept of the scenario of related non-linear analysis. Plenarno predavanje, International Conference on Civil Engineering Design and Construction (Science and Practice), Bulgarian Scientific and Technical Union of CE et al. 11-13 September, 2014, Varna, Book of Abstracts pp. 14-15. Proc. and full paper on CD ROM, p. 14-26.
- Ranković, S., Folić, R. Vacev, T.: Condition assessment for a concrete arch road bridge: case study “Nišava Bridge”. Drštvo građevinskih konstruktera Srbije, 14. Kongres, Novi Sad, 15-17 septembar 2014, Proc. on CDROM pp- 351-358. 624(082)(0.034.2), 69(082)(0.034.2)
- Zenunović, D., Folić, R.: The adverse effects in buildings structures caused by the action of the environment. Society for materials and structures testing of Serbia, Intern. Symposium on researching and application of contemporary achievement in CE in the field of materal and structures, Procedings, XXVI Congres, Ed. Y. Grdić, V. Banja, 29-31 oktobar 2014, pp. 307-320. 624(082), 69(082), 666.7/.9(082).
- Harmati, N., Folić, R.: The influence of building skin properties on the energy performance in office buildings. 10th International Miklos Ivanyi PhD Symposium, 20-21 October, 2014, PMFofEIT, Univesity of Pecs, Hungary, Abtract Book, Ed. P. Ivanyi, p. 50.
Uređivao je zbornike radova i časopise:
- 4th International Conference Earthquake and Engineering Seismology – Conference Proceedings, Association of Civil Engineering of Serbia, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 19-21. maj 2014: 584 strane; 524.042.7(082); 699.841(082); 550.34(082).
- Zbornik radova Konferencije Savremena građevinska praksa. Urednici: R. Folić I V. Radonjanin, maj 2014, Andrevlje, str. 235.
- Časopis: Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, DIMK, Beograd; brojevi: 1, 2, 3 i 4.
Izabran je za dopisnog člana VANU 2013. godine. Redovni je član Inženjerske akademije Srbije.
Na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka u 2013. godini predavao je predmete Betonski mostovi i Zidane konstrukcije (studentima građevinarstva), a Metod naučnog rada arhitektima za stepen master, a na Građevinsko-arhitektonskom fakultetu u Nišu i na Fakultetu tehničkih nauka predavao je Metod naučnog rada studentima doktorskih studija.
Tokom 2013. godine bio je glavni i odgovorni urednik naučnog časopisa Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, predsednik Programskog odbora i urednik dva Zbornika radova internacionalnih konferencija, u organizaciji Saveza građevinskih inženjera (SGI) Srbije i urednik Zbornika radova sa Nacionalne konferencije, član uređivačkog odbora separata Naše građevinarstvo u okviru naučnog časopisa Tehnika i posebnog izdanja DGI Srbije Građevinski kalendar. Predsednik je SGI Srbije.
Bio je ko-direktor projekta „Seismic upgrading of bridges in South-East Europe by innovative technologies – Seizmičko pojačavanje mostova u jugoistočnoj Evropi inovativnim tehnologijama” iz NATO programa Nauka za mir ESP.EAP.SFPP. 983828-with abbreviated name: SfP-ISUbridge. Projekat je završen u decembru 2013. godine. Učestvuje u obradi dva projekta iz programa tehnološkog razvoja: „Primena recikliranih materijala u betonskim konstrukcijama“ i „Zemljotresno inženjerstvo i incidentna dejstva na konstrukcije“, koje finansira Ministarstvo za obrazovanje, nauku i tehnološki razvoj Republike Srbije. U okviru ovih projekata objavio je više radova u časopisima.
Objavio je radove:
- Bonić, Z., Folić, R. (2013): Proboj temelja samca – usporedba proračuna i eksperimenta (Punching of column footings – comparison of experimental and calculation results). Građevinar (65), Zagreb, br. 10; pp. 887-899.
- Prokić, A., Folić, R., Miličić, I. (2013): A closed-form approximate solution for coupled vibrations of composite thin-walled beams with mid-plane symmetry. Technical Gazette (20), No. 5, pp. 883-890.
- Ranković, S., Folić, R., Mijalković, M. (2013): Flexural behaviour of RC beams strengthened with NSM CFRP and GFRP bars – experimental and numerical study. Romanian Journal of Materials, 43 (4), pp. 377-390.
- Folić, R., Memić, M., Ibrahimović, A. (2013): Komparativna analiza metoda za procenu pomeranja fleksibilnih sidrenih betonskih dijafragmi (Comparative analysis of evaluation methods of the displacement of flexible anchored concrete diaphragm walls). Građevinski materijali i konstrukcija, BM&S, No 2, Beograd, Vol. 56, pp. 19-43.
Članstvo u naučnim odborima:
- „Savremena građevinska praksa 2013“, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Departman za građevinarstvo i geodeziju i Društvo inženjera Novi Sad, Andrevlje, 23-25. maj 2013. godine (predsednik)
- 13th International Scientific Conference VSU`2013, Sofia, June 6-7, 2013. godine (član)
- Eight International Conference: “Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements”, Association of Civil engineers of Serbia, Borsko jezero, 14-16 May, 2013. (predsednik)
- PhD Symposium Faculty of Engineering Pecs-Hungary, October, 2013. (član)
- Fifth International Conference „Geotechnics in Civil Engineering” Association of Civil engineers of Serbia, October, 29-31, 2013, Soko Banja (predsednik).
Uvodna i predavanja po pozivu:
- Folić, R., Liolios, A.: Damage under earthquake and its repair and strengthening of RC buildings. Keynote paper, in Proc. of Intern. Conference, „Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements“, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 13-16 May, 2013, pp. 15-40.
- Radonjanin, V., Malešev, M., Folić, R.: Repair of fire damaged structures, (Invited Paper TR-10) Book of Abstracts, pp. 19-20+CD-ROM p. 10, MASE, 15th Symposium, 18-21 September, 2013.
- Laban, M., Folić, R.: Obnova omotača prefabrikovanih višespratnih stambenih zgrada (rad publikovan na srpskom i engleskom). Zbornik radova Konferencija Savremena građevinska praksa, Ed. R. Folić i V. Radonjanin, Andrevlje, 23-25. maj, 2013, str. 227-242.
Saopštenja štampana in extenzo:
- Zenunović, M., Folić, R., Rašidbegović, N.: Application of contemporary methods for assessment of corroded reinforced concrete (RC) structures, in Proceedings of Intern. Conference, „Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements“, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 13-16 May, 2013, pp. 259-264.
- Laban, M., Folić, R.: The assessment of technical performances of composite walls with face brick after several years of exploitation, in Proceedings of Intern. Conference, „Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements“, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 13-16 May, 2013, pp. 397-404.
- Topalović, M., Zenunović, M., Folić, R.: Experimentally obtained energy balance point of RC beam plastic hinges, International Conf. SE-EEE, 1963-2013; PN. 543, p. 8; IZIS, 30-31 May, 2013, Skopje, p. 8.
- Ćosić, M., Folić, B., Folić, R.: Developing a methodology for the integrated numerical evaluation and performance assessment of soil-pile-pier, 13th International Scientific Conference VSU 2013, Ed. V. Stoyanov, M. Hamova and D. Partov, Sofia, June 6-7, 2013. P. II-63, p. 236-244.
- Folić, R., Sadović, E.: Effects of corrosion on durability of reinforced concrete bridges – a case study, 13th International Scientific Conference VSU`2013, Ed. V. Stoyanov, M. Hamova and D. Partov, Sofia, June 6-7, 2013. P. I-66, p. 239-246.
- Zenunović, D., Topalović, M., Folić, R.: Assessment of cable-Stayed pedestrian and motorway overpass, The Eight International Conference „Bridges in Danube Basin”- New trends in bridge engineering and efficient Solutions for large and medium span bridges, Ed. E. Petzek and R. Bancila, Springer V. 2013, pp. 117-127.
- Memić, M., Folić, R., Ibrahimović, A.: Neke metode procjene pomeranja fleksibilnih sidrenih potpornih konstrukcija, in Proceedings of Intern. Conference, „Assessment, maintenance and rehabiltation of structures and settlements“, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 13-16 May, 2013, pp. 293-302.
- Cumbo, A., Popović, M., Folić, R.: Ocena stanja konstrukcije objekta Gerontoškog centra u Derventi, Zbornik radova Internacionalne konferencije procena stanja, održavanje i rehabilitacije konstrukcija i naselja, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 13-16 maj, 2013, pp. 419-426.
- Samardaković, S., Samardaković, M., Folić, R.: Dinamička penetraciona ispitivanja i međusobne korelacije, Zbornik radova Internacionalne konferencije procena stanja, održavanje i rehabilitacije konstrukcija i naselja, Ed. R. Folić, Borsko jezero, 13-16 maj, 2013, str. 205-212.
Uređivanje publikacija i časopisa:
- Conference Proceedings (Zbornik radova): Eight International Conference: „Assessment, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures and settlements”, Association of Civil engineers of Serbia (SGI Srbije), Ed. R. Folic, Borsko jezero, 14-16 May, 2013; p. 638.
- Zbornik radova, Konferencija „Savremena građevinska praksa 2013“, Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Institut za građevinarstvo i geodeziju i Društvo građevinskih inženjera Novog Sada, urednici: R. Folić i V. Radonjanin, str. 258 (štampano na srpskom i engleskom jeziku).
- Conference Proceeding (Zbornik radova): Fifth International Conference Geotechnics in Civil Engineering (Peta Internacionalna konferencija Geotehnički aspekti građevinarstva, ed. R. Folić, Soko Banja, 29-31. oktobar 2013. godine, str. 468.
- Časopis Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije, glavni i odgovorni urednik, 2013.